Love Charm
moonlight I draw my bow
To shoot at
you love's sharp arrow.
In the
sunlight I gaze at thee.
Longing for
all that I can see.
I make a
Circle at twilight
To draw you
to me in the night.
The birds
will sing my love to you.
The wind
will cry, "His love is true!"
The trees
remind you of my touch:
The Earth, I
care for you so much.
The rain
will drench you in my love -
My fondness
falling from above.
At you my Magick
I have hurled.
My love I've
sent through all the world.
Power I call
to make us one
Before the
first rays of the sun.
Oh soul, you
are my saving grace.
And I know
you need my embrace.
Witchcraft strange and enchanting,
I call upon
you Spirit, sing!
You want me
now as I want you.
None can
resist a love so true.
I charge you
to come lie with me
let our passion set us free.
Spring, 1982