The ashes rise to form the tree.
The tree becomes a seed.
The love and all the tragedies
that define me
become the innocent child
that still lives
inside me.
I woke up last week in the hospital
after being unconscious for five days.
While I slept
I dreamed that I wrestled with God
and that the Goddess and the Sphynx
were holding me.
I woke up
and for that
I am profoundly grateful.
I still donÕt
why I have lived so stubbornly
while so many others
I loved
I just do.
Salmon swim upstream
with desperate lust,
or is it rage?
Their only goal to breed
and in so doing
They dance across the waters.
They almost fly.
In the Ramayana
is a passage
where Brahma frees Indra
from his imprisonment on the Isle of Lankha
Ònot by smashing the prison walls
or dissolving the chains that bound him,
but simply by sending the thought
ÔI am free.Õ
into IndraÕs mind.
In that moment
Indra was free.Ó
I am meditating on the moment
that my self
returned to me.
Last night we watched a biography
of Doris Day on TV.
I wasnÕt much interested
until the part
where DorisÕ friend Rock Hudson died of AIDS.
I remember that day in San Francisco in 1985
like it was yesterday.
I remembered my lover, Tommy, and all my other friends who died.
I cried for two hours.
Afterwards, I felt a great deal lighter
The deep blue
beauty of my girlfriendÕs eyes
and the softness of her heart
embarrass me in my weakness
and inspire me
to try again.
Yesterday is part
and parcel
of what makes tomorrow great.
Fly away on your
but return to plant your seeds.
There is time
for waiting;
time to just be.
I am looking at a
that is flowing inside of me.
I am not swimming
upstream any longer.
I am just entering
the ocean
inside me.
-9 September 2004